Economía Acatlán: Biografía de Oliver E. Williamson (1932-¿?)

Williamson ha obtenido el Premio Nobel de Economía 2009, compartido con Elinor Ostrom (véase su biografía en este blog en, por "su análisis económico de la gobernanza, especialmente los límites de la empresa". Es un destacado teórico del nuevo institucionalismo. Doctorado por la Carnegie-Mellon University en 1963 es actualmente profesor de "Economics and Law" en la Universidad de California en Berkeley. Es el autor del concepto de "mecanismos de gobierno" para referirse a los sistemas de control del riesgo asociado a cualquier transacción. Sus campos principales de investigación son la economía de las instituciones, la estrategia de las organizaciones, la burocracia, la política y los costes de transacción. En 2004 recibió el Doctorado Honoris Causa por la Universidad de Valencia."Managerial Discretion and Business Behavior", 1963, AER  The Economics of Discretionary Behavior: Managerial objectives in a theory of the firm, 1964.  "Economics as an Anti-Trust Defense: The welfare trade-offs", 1968, AER  Corporate Control and Business Behavior: An inquiry into the effects of organization form on enterprise behavior, 1970.  "The Vertical Integration of Production: market failure considerations", 1971, AER  "Markets and Hierarchies: Some elementary considerations", 1973, AER  Markets and Hierarchies: Analysis and antitrust implications, 1975.  "Franchise Bidding for Natural Monopolies: in general and with respect to CATV", 1976, Bell JE  "Transaction Cost Economics: The governance of contractual relations", 1979, J Law Econ  "The Economics of Organization: The transaction cost approach", 1981, American J of Sociology  "Credible Commitments: Using hostages to support exchange", 1983, AER  The Economic Institutions of Capitalism, 1985.  "Vertical Integration and Related Variations on a Transaction- Cost Economics Theme", 1986, en Stiglitz and Mathewson, editores, New Developments in the Analysis of Market Structure  "Transaction Cost Economcs", 1987, JEBO  "Economics and Sociology: Promoting a dialog", 1988, en Farkas and England, editores, Industries, Firms and Jobs  "A Comparison of Alternative Approaches to Economic Organization", 1990, J of Institutional and Theoretical Economics  Organization theory : from Chester Barnard to the present and beyond., 1990.  "The Logic of Economic Organization", 1991, en Williamson y Winter, editores, Nature of the Firm  "Economic Institutions: Spontaneous and intentional governance", 1991, Journal of Law, Economics and Organization  "Markets, hierarchies, and the modern corporation: an unfolding perspective", 1993, JEBO  The Mechanisms of Governance, 1996.

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